Recognized for having equal demands on herself and others, but also for the impeccable way in which she takes on, coordinates and carries out a project, Marina Constantinescu demonstrates through everything she does that she is a role model. Theater critic, television show producer, journalist, and renowned philologist, Marina Constantinescu answers our colleague Loreta Popa's questions about what culture means in this difficult period we are going through. "Communication, trust, curiosity about authentic cultural acts, everyday life, all have declined. Culture is something without which, in fact, one cannot live rationally, consciously, with bursts of irrationality, as in love. It is an exercise in being for each of us, it has its components depending on structure, education, but also on this voluptuousness of knowledge that, in principle, the human being should have towards everything and everyone. The exercise of reading is even part of the lives of those who are in a hurry, who have the illusion of an expanded time that is enough for everything. It's not really like that. Culture is not among the others. Culture is part of the way in which, effectively, the skeletal, bony structure verticalizes a man, so that the other things can naturally settle in his mind, in his soul, on his body,” says theater critic Marina Constantinescu.