Seven-year-old Luca is mentally disabled and needs help day and night. Shortly after his birth, he was taken in as a foster child by Sandra and Marc Schamne. A few months later, the Schamnes found out that Luca has Claes Jensen Syndrome, which is very rare worldwide. Contrary to all predictions, Luca has learned to walk, can climb, he even speaks a few words and has been going to school since September. Author Christine Herrmann accompanied the Schamne family with her camera. In "WimS-The Reportage: No Limits for Luca" she shows the everyday life of the Schamnes, who fight for Luca every day. ---- About this YouTube channel ---- On the Saarländischer Rundfunk (SR) YouTube channel you will find selected articles and programs from SR. The focus of the reporting is on Saarland and the greater region. All information from and about Saarländischer Rundfunk: https://SR.de You can find the SR media library here: https://SR-Mediathek.de You can subscribe to the Saarländischer Rundfunk YouTube channel here: / @saarlaendischerrundfunk