Click on https://1.ard.de/Gesund for the best ARD videos on health, medicine, sex, psychology, nutrition, losing weight and all medical programs. Type 2 diabetes starts slowly and, if left untreated, leads to serious secondary diseases. But with the right diet and exercise, blood sugar levels can be significantly improved. Nutrition doctor Matthias Riedl gives tips for changing your diet with an oat cure and THKW list. 00:00 Risk of heart attack and stroke increases 01:13 HbA1c value 02:16 40 kilos gained 03:23 Diabetes, fatty liver, arthrosis, gout 05:06 How does type 2 diabetes develop? 06:43 Oat cure and change in diet 12:07 Final discussion Subscribe to our channel and don't miss another episode! Symptoms, causes and treatment of type 2 diabetes https://www.ndr.de/diabetes196.html Diet for diabetes: be careful with snacks https://www.ndr.de/diabetes252.html Oat cure therapy plan: https://www.ndr.de/ratgeber/gesundhei... Nutritional guide for type 2 diabetes and obesity: https://www.ndr.de/ratgeber/gesundhei... Credit: picture alliance / Zoonar Oleksandr Latkun