This devotional examines the significant genealogy of Jesus, as presented in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, highlighting how each name and story reflected in these lists speaks to us of God’s redemptive plan and inclusivity. We will discuss how these ancestors, with their virtues and flaws, underscore Jesus’ humanity and his legitimate connection to the Jewish people, while emphasizing that He came for all, regardless of their background or status. You can: ???? Read the Devotional: https://devocionalmana.com/leer-devoc... ????Join our WhatsApp to receive our audio: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DkOFiKBhhoB... ????????Visit our website: https://devocionalmana.com/ ????????Listen ???? Soundcloud: /devocionalmana ???? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4SbbhNx...