This devotional explores the relationship between memory and faith, emphasizing how forgetting spiritual teachings and experiences can lead to a falling away from the faith. We will discuss the importance of constantly remembering divine precepts and God’s works in our lives, as a fortress against apostasy. We will explore biblical strategies for keeping these memories alive, such as regular Scripture study and active fellowship with other believers. This study invites us to reflect on how our spiritual memory affects our long-term resilience and faithfulness. #devocionalmana You can: ???? Read the Devotional: https://devocionalmana.com/leer-devoc... ????Join our WhatsApp to receive our audio: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DkOFiKBhhoB... ????????Visit our website: https://devocionalmana.com/ ????????Listen ???? Soundcloud: /devocionalmana ???? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4SbbhNx...