⭐️ The best offers for running courses from Simple Run for our subscribers - https://simplerun.ru/ytpromo In order not to go back a few steps in your physical fitness in the spring, you need to follow the basic rule - a runner must continue to RUN in winter. If you change running in the winter to something else, for example, a gym, swimming, bobsleigh, then in the spring you will have to teach your body to run again! Of course, if you were still actively doing something in the winter, then it will be easier for you to get back into running shape, but running is a specific activity. The muscles will adapt to it again. In general, nothing complicated: if you want to run well, you need to run. But the question immediately arises - where? Let's figure it out! 00:01:24 - Progress and regression 00:03:13 - Progress in winter 00:04:07 - Where and how to run in winter? 00:07:10 - Nutrition in winter Publication day - Monday - the best time to communicate in the comments. Training and running lessons: https://goo.gl/ApLjSY subscribe! For commercial inquiries - [email protected]