OUR ONLINE COURSE OUR ONLINE COURSE https://ead.autoescolaonline.net/curs... OUR CHANNEL 2 - SUBSCRIBE / autoescolaonline APPLICATION LINK https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... LIST WITH ALL DRIVING VIDEOS https://www.autoescolaonline.net/apre... ---------------------------- Tip for the DETRAN Practical Test what is covered in the theoretical test detran practice Check out the tips for those who are already close to the practical test Passing the theoretical test is very important. However, the licensing process is not over yet. At this stage, the practical driving course begins, in which the candidate will have to complete 25 hours of class driving a vehicle. In some states, part of the practical classes take place in a driving simulator. With or without a simulator, there will always be a practical driving test, carried out in a real vehicle. Passing this exam is the last step to obtaining a Driving Permit (provisional driver's license). This is one of the most feared moments for candidates. Many people have to retake the test several times before passing. This does not necessarily mean that the person does not know how to drive. In most cases, it is nervousness – again – that gets in the way. Or, perhaps, a lack of attention – which is also nothing new –, since simple mistakes such as forgetting to use the turn signal can result in a failure. Even so, it is a fact that the more practice a person has, the more confident and therefore calm they will be when taking the test. Therefore, there is the option of taking extra practical classes, even if the mandatory 25 hours have already been completed. This will, of course, have a cost, which the candidate can settle with the CFC where they are taking the licensing process. Remember that, before driving on the street, it will be necessary to park the car between the parking lots. Read this article and learn how to do this maneuver without any difficulties. As for the other part of the test, in article 19 of CONTRAN Resolution No. 168/04, you will find the description of the faults that may end up eliminating the candidate. =================================== ►Our Website http://www.autoescolaonline.net ►Online Course https://goo.gl/PNfaVS ►Instagram / legtransito ►SUBSCRIBE LegTransito https://goo.gl/EDUHwi ►FaceBook our FanPage https://goo.gl/D4RRmr ►LegTransito Group https://goo.gl/AsGtkA ►Um Papo com a Fabi Group https://goo.gl/2PEU16 ►Twitter / rrcardoso34 ----- OUR CHANNEL CONTENT ---- 1- Car and Motorcycle Driving 2- Traffic Laws 3- Defensive Driving 4- First Aid 5- Environment and Citizenship 6- Mechanics Vehicle Basics Incredible tips on Solving Questions! For those who want to pass the DETRAN test. Get the National Driver's License (CNH).