In this DMV Mock Exam, I answer questions about traffic signs, commenting on them one by one, to help you pass your theoretical exam for your first license or retraining at DMVs throughout the country. 2020 DETRAN Mock Exam - Traffic Signs - First License and Retraining #7 ✏️ Test your knowledge by taking a free mock exam, which I made with great care: 📝 https://forms.gle/YzuHCHgsGoYgrYCA8 If you are looking for an app to study for the DMV exam, this one, in addition to being free, gives you a good experience so you don't have any difficulties in your exam. This mock exam was all commented and made in 2020 to clarify some tricks, giving you tips and tricks so you can pass your DMV exam straight away. I made a saga with 128 questions divided into 10 questions per video and to optimize your learning, there are possible questions about traffic signs (traffic signs) from all over Brazil. All of these questions are the ones that most often appear on DMV exams, so I decided to help everyone do well on the test and pass the first time. This generates great personal satisfaction. Enjoy and study well!!! Study all the content directly from your cell phone. Traffic Laws, Defensive Driving, Basic Mechanics, Environment and Citizenship, and First Aid. Watch the channel's content and pass the DMV exam directly. Below are several links to simulated tests that you can download for free on your cell phone. On your way to the long-awaited National Driver's License. ______________________________________________________________________ Subscribe to the CFC DIGITAL channel - RAFAEL ALMEIDA / cfcdigitalrafaelalmeida Follow me on Instagram: @rafaeldocfc ______________________________________________________________________ Take the DETRAN test simulation links below, free: DETRAN SP Simulation Link: https://www.detran.sp.gov.br/simulado DETRAN PR Simulation Link: http://www.simulado.detran.pr.gov.br/... SIMULATION APPLICATION FOR CELL PHONE: Android application link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... IOS application link: https://apps.apple.com/br/app/simulad... Thank you very much for following my channel, any questions leave in the comments, it will be a pleasure to help you. 00:00 Rafão 00:01 Subscribe to the Channel