⭐️The things introduced in the video and the tools used are summarized on the blog below✍️ https://aichan123.com/handmade-tool/ ⭐️Previous videos • [Easy] How to make a shelf to display your favorite things! Consignment sales display for your favorite idol activities and events... ーーーーーーーーーーーMy purpose in life is to move people's hearts with the things I express. My dream is to make a living as an artist (through online activities and crafts) that gives courage and energy to everyone. Please support me (^^) Thank you so much to everyone who always watches and supports me.ーーーーーーーーーーー⭐️Handmade keychain shop https://aichan123.base.shop/ ーーーーーーーー💖I'd be so happy if you followed me on Instagram 🥺 For handmade item posts and store information, go to: / ready_steady_rainbow Account for posting human memories: / ai_katen ーーーーーーーー💖Twitter (X) @ ai_katen