The Desire of Getting Rid of Anger - Spiritual Desires Conference - Father Daoud Lamei The sin of anger has no great one.. The devil of anger has no mercy when you get angry.. The divine light inside you extinguishes a moment of anger that could cause your destruction Gentleness is the absence of anger.. That you hold back your anger is a virtue.. Because when you vent your anger on someone, you hurt them Reasons for Anger * 1- The love of money The one who gets angry the most is the one who cares about money.. And the one who does not love money rarely gets angry 2- Jealousy Jealousy must be wrong with it 3- Eating a lot or being hungry, but at that time you have no excuse.. You must control yourself 4- The arrogant pride has a dry heart.. He gets angry a lot and shouts a lot.. And all people, in his opinion, do not deserve him --- Holy jealousy * Holy jealousy is an attribute of God Holy jealousy.. With it is holy anger without sin because it is a rejection of evil Holy jealousy appears in you getting angry with yourself and your spirituality if I made a mistake Love makes you holy angry at anyone you love Treatment for anger * 1- Run away from the reasons Know the reason that makes you angry If it's pride, treat your pride... not anger If it's lack of love... treat your lack of love for people, not anger 2- Avoid your weaknesses as much as possible 3- Run away from thinking about the exciting Don't think about the person who when you think of him you get angry... The first time he comes to your mind, say, "Oh God, have mercy on him and have mercy on me" 4- Learn to press the brakes 5- Love and gentleness The more you love people, the more you find yourself apologizing and avoiding anger The gentle person can say he excuses everyone... except himself 6- Self-control When you control yourself in simple things... you will be able to control yourself in big things Training * Work on the main reason that makes you angry Constant and sincere prayer... the biggest deterrent to anger Father Daoud Lamei, priest of St. Mark's Church, Cleopatra, Heliopolis #Fr_Daoud_Lamei Listen and see Download other sermons, meditations and prayers on our website: http://www.anba-abraam.com/ You can subscribe to the only official channel of Father Daoud Lamei from here: https://www.youtube.com/frdaoudlamei?... If you have a question about the sermon topic or anything else, send us a message here: http://m.me/FrDaoudLamei =================== ================= Follow every saying, prayer, hymn, meditation, sermon that is posted on our Facebook page / frdaoudlamei A special page for Father Daoud Lamei in English: / frdaoudlameienglish SoundCloud / frdaoudlamei Twitter / frdaoudlamei Instagram / frdaoudlamei YouTube / frdaoudlamei You can also subscribe to the Qithara Toon channel (a Christian channel specialized in children's cartoons.. under the supervision of Father Daoud Lamei) Subscribe to the Qithara Toon channel from here: https://www.youtube.com/ketharatoon?s... Official Arabic channel on Telegram: http://t.me/FrDaoud_Lamei Official English channel on Telegram: https://t.me/FrDaoudLameiEnglish