Online design school Bang Bang Education (https://bangbangeducation.ru/) records conversations with the best Russian designers. We talk about design, art and how people who fail to become book smart can survive. We talk about money, projects for the state, work models and good deeds. Alisher Khasanov is a consultant in the development, growth and launch of products, services and companies, co-founder of GdeMaterial. He has worked and works with FRII, RuTube, Rambler, Yandex, yandex.turkey, Digital October, NPTV, gip.is, Tsentsiper ×, Ispring Solutions, IIDF, Biocarbon Engineering, 3205. Artem Geller is a co-founder and CEO of Smena, founder of Design Weekend, developer of many government websites, including the website of the President of Russia. We have launched Alisher Khasanov's offline intensive course "Business Reboot"! There, design studios present their business models, products or services and receive feedback from other companies and a consultant on what can be improved. You can find out more and sign up here: https://bangbangeducation.ru/intensiv... Other talks: https://bangbangeducation.ru/talks Website: https://bangbangeducation.ru/ Facebook: / bangbangeducation Instagram: / bangbangeducation VK: https://vk.com/bangbangeducation Telegram: https://t.me/bangbangeducation