In the 79th episode of Three Sisters, which aired on Saturday, March 23rd, Derya tells Kartal that she is pregnant. Kartal completely changes his plans for the future with the good news he receives from Derya. However, Derya has doubts. Three Sisters are on Kanal D with its new episodes on Saturday evening at 20:00. Türkan, Dön and Derya... Three sisters, one legendary for her beauty, one for her docileness and the other for her rebelliousness, who are madly devoted to each other... While they dream simple dreams like their peers, neither the shadows of their past will leave them alone nor will their luck be on their side. While the three sisters live a happy life with their mother and father, dark clouds will begin to hover over the family with Türkan's marriage, and nothing will be the same anymore. While Türkan is trying to cover up her unhappiness in the fairytale castle she is trapped in, Dön's life will be turned upside down with a big secret from the past, and Derya will step onto a path of no return. Sadık and Nesrin will sometimes come to the point of losing themselves and sometimes each other in order to save their daughter from the edge of the cliff. #ThreeSisters #KanalD Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: ➤ https://www.youtube.com/user/kanald?s... Kanal D Live Broadcast: ➤ https://www.kanald.com.tr/canli-yayin Kanal D Broadcast Flow: ➤ https://www.kanald.com.tr/yayin-akisi