Depth of Field and Hyperfocal Distance Let's learn what depth of field, hyperfocal distance are, and how they relate to the aperture. Depth of field is basically the relationship between the point where the focus was made and what is behind and in front of that point. It is a variable measurement, which can range from a few millimeters to several kilometers away. The size of the depth of field depends on the following factors: size of the camera sensor; focal length used; aperture opening; distance to the focus point; distance between the focus point and the background; The hyperfocal distance is the distance from the focus point where everything is sharp. You know you have reached the hyperfocal distance when the scale on your lens indicates the infinity symbol. You can see a preview of the depth of field by pressing the depth of field preview button on the front of your camera. When you are focusing, the aperture of your lens is wide open. When you press the preview button, the diaphragm closes to the extent you chose in manual or aperture priority mode, giving you an idea of how the photo will look. In portrait photography, a shallow depth of field is usually used so that the background is blurred, highlighting the main subject. In landscape photography, the expectation is that the entire scene will be in focus, with maximum sharpness. To achieve this effect, simply adjust the focus of your lens to the hyperfocal distance. To help you predict the depth of field and the hyperfocal distance, there are websites and applications that make these calculations. Below is a list of some of them: Website: http://www.dofmaster.com/dofjs.html This website shows the calculations for the depth of field on the screen, as well as demonstrating the formulas to obtain the result. There is also a program to create a hyperfocal distance table for each lens model. Download the program: http://dofmaster.fileburst.com/dofcse... There are also mobile apps that do the same thing. For Android: App Photo Tools https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... For IOs (the same one used in the video): App Photo Aide https://itunes.apple.com/br/app/photo... This video is part of the product portfolio of Lentes & Lentilhas - Foto e Vídeo, a production company specialized in the production of advertising material for companies. If you would like to request a quote to promote your brand, product or service, please contact us via email at [email protected]. Also check out our pages on social networks: /lenteselentilhas /lenteselentilhas