SUBSCRIBE AND ACTIVATE NOTIFICATIONS #ViralMedicine #Podcast #DoctorVic #Depression #Antidepressants #Symptoms #Fannypsychiatrist CONTACT: [email protected] Listen to us Spoti: https://spotify.openinapp.co/vpfdf In this Viral Medicine podcast we will talk about Depression, which is a mental disorder characterized fundamentally by a low mood and feelings of sadness, associated with alterations in behavior, degree of activity and thought. It is an affective disorder. Within depression there are two large groups of disorders, what has always been called endogenous depression, which is a disorder where the essential characteristic is what is called pathological sadness. The sick person does not find a cause that produces this sadness, either because if he finds or detects in his biography a cause that triggers it, it goes back a long way in time, or because this pathological sadness lasts disproportionately over time. FANNY PSYCHIATRIST NETWORKS: / @fannypsiquiatra Other symptomatic manifestations of depression may appear not only in feelings, but also in the body. Physical symptoms such as anorexia, loss of appetite with a disproportionate loss of weight, insomnia fundamentally or characteristically with early awakening. And alterations may also appear not only in affectivity, but also in thought itself. Negative ideas of the future of oneself, of the environment, are also characteristic of this condition. What are the treatments for depression? There are multiple antidepressant therapies, as well as tricyclic antidepressants, and medications for pain, anxiety and depression. LATEST PODCAST EMILIO BETANCOURT: After 13 YEARS with Cancer I WILL STOP TREATMENT I am not AFRAID of M0R1R EMILIO BETANCOURT • After 13 YEARS with Cancer I WILL STOP ...