Does my child have developmental delays? When should I be concerned and seek help? What if the doctor diagnoses autism? Should I be concerned if the child is so young? The fact that a very young child has developmental delays is something that deserves our careful attention and sometimes the entry of an early intervention, even if the child does not yet have a definitive diagnosis. And one of the most widely used methods of early intervention for autism or for warning signs of autism is the Denver model, also known as the Denver method. We called speech therapist Ivanna Vozivoda Salvan Garcia, founder and director of @cip_intervencaoprecoce, to talk. Ivanna is a certified therapist ESDM (Denver) and specialist in Applied Behavior Analysis and PRT Level 1. She explained to us how the Denver model can encourage a child's development and signs that parents should take into account when they have doubts about their child's development. You can find out more about Ivanna on the following social networks: / fono.ivanna / cip_intervencaoprecoce https://www.cipdi.com.br/ And you can follow our social networks: / magicasdemae / magicasdemae / magicasdemae https://magicasdemae.com.br/ Mágicas de Mãe Channel / @magicasdemae