Alhamdulillah, Let's Play can come to Pebasket Sombong's place, who else if not Bang Denny Sumargo. Who would have thought that Denny Sumargo, whom we know on social media, is actually wise. UFS was also surprised to hear his wise words. Watch the full video In Frame: / felix.siauw / sumargodenny / riscoaditama / fuadhnaim Want to get comprehensive and exciting Islamic study material with the asatidz Yuk Ngaji? Let's join the membership of Yuk Ngaji. Join here: / @yukngajitv Those who want the Yukngaji t-shirt worn by Yukngaji Members in this video, please visit the official Yukngaji Merch store. Check out this link #YukNgaji #YNTV #YukNgajiTV #FelixSiauw #FuadhNaim #HappyNewYou #Hawaariyyun #Shifrunn #RiscoAditama #Hijrah #NgajiAsik #yntv2023