#fox #foxplay #zümrüdüanka #zümrüdüankaepisode11 #seriesmusic #seriessong #birdileğimvarsenden #selvideboylum Don't Forget to Subscribe.. To listen on all Digital Platforms, click on the link to access the Album on Fizy. Click on the link to access the Album on Spotify. Lyrics-Music : Yiğit Rençber Arrangement : Önder Meral Mix / Mastering : Önder Meral Kopuz : Önder Meral Oboe : Damla Tuncer Production: İrem Music I have a wish from you Var lele var var lele var var from you Open your arms around my neck, my cypress length, wrap me Around my neck, my cypress length, throw your arms around my neck, my cypress length, wrap me If I don't reach my wish Narrow lele narrow narrow lele narrow narrow the world is narrow The world is narrow for me, my cypress length, wrap me Around me, my cypress length, wrap me The world is narrow for me, my cypress length, wrap me The burden of love is on me There is a lele bar var lele bar bar sigh I can't bear it alone, my cypress length, wrap me I can't bear it alone, my cypress length, wrap me What the nightingale will pull Har lele har har Lele har har on the branch It is also on the rose branch I am, my cypress length, wrap me It is also on the rose branch I am, my cypress length, wrap me That separates those who love Mar lele mar mar lele mar mar çiyan mar He plays with the devil, my Selvide boy, hug me He plays with the devil, my Selvide boy, hug me To the fire in your chest Snow, snow, snow, if it snows, snow won't work, what can I do? Snow won't work, my Selvide boy, hug me Snow won't work, what can I do? My Selvide boy, hug me Snow won't work, what can I do? My Selvide boy, hug me Snow won't work, what can I do? My Selvide boy, hug me