Water barriers in the form of dams and weirs are disappearing across Europe and rivers are regaining their freedom. Arnika aims to open a discourse on such implementations in the Czech Republic, which will be addressed by a moderated discussion with invited experts. The discussion will follow the screening of the foreign film DamBusters – The Start of the Riverlution (USA, 2022, Francisco Campos-Lopez). Guests: Ing. Martin Sucharda - Faculty of Environmental Sciences, ČZU in Prague Mgr. Ondřej Simon, Ph.D. - Faculty of Environmental Sciences, ČZU in Prague Doc. Dr. Ing. Pavel Fošumpaur - Faculty of Civil Engineering, ČVUT in Prague Ing. Martin Cidlinský - Director of the Ohře River Basin Management Moderator: Ing. Boris Prudík - Water Manager from AOPK