In this episode of The Last Frontier, Santi Siri welcomes Demian Reidel, Chief of Staff of the President's Advisory Council, to talk about the future of #NuclearEnergy in Argentina. In an exclusive interview, Reidel, a physicist and economist, tells us about our country's position in terms of #ArtificialIntelligence and #Technology. How can Argentina lead the global technological revolution? What advantages do we have? They also talk about Argentina's relationship with #SiliconValley, meetings with #ElonMusk and the potential that southern Argentina has as a base for technology companies due to its cheap energy. #Argentina #SantiSiri #Milei #FiloNews Subscribe to Filo.news 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/SuscribiteFilonews We are looking for stories to tell the news at https://www.filo.news/ Follow us also on: Facebook: / filonews Twitter: / filonewsok Instagram: / filonewsok