[Senior Citizen Center Happiness Helper Project] ❍ The Senior Citizen Center Happiness Helper Project is operated with partial support from the Ministry of Strategy and Finance’s Lottery Fund. ❍ Selectively operate health and leisure programs for dementia and stroke prevention using health exercises and laughter therapy through a demand survey of the elderly using senior centers. ❍ Priority is given to selecting senior centers in mountainous and remote areas where welfare benefits cannot be reached due to village conditions, and senior centers with small users are also selected as project targets to expand the scope of benefits in underprivileged areas. ❍ Flexible operation of the project by city and county considering regional infrastructure and seasonal characteristics (busy and off-farm seasons). ❍ To maintain continuity, each senior center operates at least once or twice a week for more than three months. ❍ Formation of village communities through the operation of happiness helpers, discovery of welfare blind spots, linkage of welfare services, etc.