????Kho quet is a popular and familiar dish in every Vietnamese meal. To have a vegetarian but still special kho quet dish, today let's go into the kitchen with Ms. Tue Van to make "Kho quet bitter melon"! Steps: 0:00 Introduction 1:10 Ingredients 1:23 Spices 1:50 Roast bitter melon 3:48 Make braised fish sauce 7:24 Arrange the dish 8:38 Finish and enjoy ????INGREDIENTS: 1 small sliced bitter melon Thinly sliced shallots Minced chili Crushed peppercorns ????SPICES: Lien Thanh Vegetarian Fish Sauce Soy sauce Sugar ????The main ingredient that makes the essence of the dish "Bitter melon braised fish sauce" is Lien Thanh Vegetarian Fish Sauce - Delicious taste from vegetable protein extracted from pineapple ????Change up the rustic braised fish sauce dish to make your meal more rich with Ms. Tue Van and don't miss the next episode in the series "Delicious Vegetarian with Ms. Tue Van"! ------------------- ????Follow Lien Thanh Vegetarian Fish Sauce's Youtube channel: / @nuocmamchaylienthanh ????Learn more about Lien Thanh Vegetarian Fish Sauce: https://lienthanh1906.vn/ #DriedFishSauce #LienThanhVegetarianFishSauce #VegetarianFishSauce #LienThanh #DeliciousVegetarianFishSauceWithVeganStyle #VeganStyle #vegetarianfood #vegetariantrends #vegetariandishes #vegetariandishes #vegetarianfood