This recipe is a guarantee of success! ???? Chef Carol Teixeira will teach us the step by step of a BAIANA PINEAPPLE BULLET! It's #MaisUmPedaço for sure! ???? PINEAPPLE CANDY: • 1 pineapple • 6 whole eggs • 1 grated fresh coconut • 3 cups (tea) of sugar approximately 500g METHOD: Blend the pineapple without the core in a blender, heat with the eggs and the sugar and stir until it boils, let it cool until it comes away from the pan. Let it cool and when it is cold, roll it into SYRUP FOR BATHING: • 2 cups (tea) of sugar • 1 cup (tea) of water • 2 tablespoons of alcohol vinegar PREPARATION METHOD: Place a pan over medium heat and add the water, sugar, vinegar and mix lightly until the sugar is incorporated into the other ingredients. Once done, do not stir any further and leave until the syrup turns orange in color. After that, lower the heat, stick a small ball of coconut with a toothpick and dip it in the syrup. Place it on a sheet of baking paper and wait for it to harden. It's ready! BALA BAIANA COCONUT WITH PLUM FLAVOR: • 1 can of condensed milk • 100 g of grated coconut • 1 tablespoon of butter • Cooked plums without pits PREPARATION METHOD: Place all the ingredients in the pan and stir until the brigadeiro point, removing from the bottom of the pan Also check out the other pages of the program: Website - http://tvgazeta.com.br/mulheres Facebook - / gazetamulheres Twitter - / gazetamulheres Instagram - / gazetamulheres