Masha Allah the weather in the city these days is starting to get cold and the guests who are visiting are showing up quickly. There is always no time, but the most important thing is that we meet and reminisce. The delicious golden basbousa. Two eggs. Two teaspoons of vanilla. Half a tablespoon of baking powder. A pinch of salt. Three quarters of a cup of sugar. Three quarters of a cup of coconut. Three quarters of a cup of oil. A cup of fine or coarse semolina. A quarter of a cup of liquid milk. A bag of powdered caramel cream. Two cans of cream or qaymar, each 170 grams. Quarters of almonds. For the topping: A can of evaporated condensed milk. Half a large can of sweetened condensed milk. Quarters of almonds. Ghee for greasing the tray. Jelly with ice cream, light and fluffy. Two cans of cherry jelly. Two cups of boiling water. A can of tea biscuits. Four cups of ice cream. 800 grams of vanilla or, if available, cherries or berries. For the topping: Crushed biscuits. Mint leaves. Fresh pomegranate pieces. #Quick_sweets_the_most_delicious_and_easiest_sweets #Delicious_golden_basbousa#Jelly_with_ice_cream#The_most_delicious_jelly_recipe#Hospitality_sweets#Mona_Qabouri