???????? Subscribe to this channel and press ???? to be aware of the latest posted materials. The personality of Archimandrite Sofronie Sakharov (1896-1993) can be most accurately characterized by a few words: Apprentice and testamentary legatee of Saint Siluan the Athonite. Arriving in Athos after a period of aesthetic and religious searches, as an avant-garde artist, embodied in yoga and Buddhist experiences, and abandoned theological studies, he discovers in the Holy Mountain, under the exceptional guidance of Abbot Siluan, the true mystical life of asceticism and prayer after which he aspired for a long time. ???? Instagram: / literatura.ascetica ???? Facebook: / literaturaascetica #indumnezeire #rugaciune #MunteleAthos #Athos #SofronieSaharov #SiluanAthonitel #RugaciunealuiIisus #RugaciuneaInimii