Every summer, 60,000 music fans flock to the Deichbrand Festival in Cuxhaven/Nordholz. The nearby village of Wanhöden, with a population of 460, is also preparing for the huge event. And all the villagers are pitching in. Contractor Volker Appiarius drives wood chips to the stage with his wheel loader until shortly before the first concert and rams in the last tent poles. Pensioner Biggi Kerkow transforms her garden into a campsite for 300 music fans and tries to get showers, the sausage stand and the beer stand set up in time with her three sons. And the huge festival supermarket is also doing everything it can to ensure that the rock fans don't run out of beer. The North Reportage https://www.ndr.de/dienordreportage _________________________________________________ Our guidelines for comments: https://www.ndr.de/service/technische... #ndr #ndraufmland #dienordreportage ______________________________________ The farm stories on ndr.de https://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendunge...