Online Courses: https://bit.ly/CursosInstitutoSingular Levels of support in autism are crucial information to ensure that each autistic person receives the care and adaptations necessary for their development! In the past, levels of support were called 'mild', 'moderate' and 'severe' autism. Over the years, science has come to understand that this nomenclature could confuse people and lead them to think that there are people with more or less autism. And that is not true: autism is autism, period! The three levels defined by the DSM-V serve as a guide for professionals who care for the individual, helping them to create a database of possible behaviors and specific needs. This deeper understanding allows therapists and other professionals to provide more effective and personalized interventions for each person within the autistic spectrum! Just as important as knowing the levels of support and their characteristics is remembering that autism is a spectrum, that is, it manifests itself in different ways and in different areas for each autistic person. Want to learn more about the topic? Watch today's video and leave your questions in the comments! ***** Books: [NEW BOOK] Singular Brain: https://amzn.to/3MYiCQe SOS Autismo - https://amzn.to/2VveACu The Autistic Little King - https://amzn.to/2VlWt1I Link to download the book MUNDO SINGULAR: https://bit.ly/LivroMundoSingular ***** Facebook: mayragaiato Instagram: @mayragaiato Consulting: [email protected] Contact: [email protected] Website: https://institutosingular.org ***** #autism #childhoodautism #supportlevels