In the Amazon, currutelas are villages that have emerged at the edge of the forest, close to mining or deforestation. Created in 2016, Vila Renascer continues to grow. Every day, houses, evangelical churches, bars, restaurants, a mechanic's shop, a gas station, a market, electricity poles and even a small hotel are being added. However, according to the law, none of this should exist: the village is located in the Apyterewa Indigenous Land, belonging to the Parakanã people, which was approved in 2007. The state's presence in Vila Renascer is limited to a permanent base with Funai employees and police officers from the National Force, with no power to interfere in the flow of invaders. #AmazôniaSobBolsonaro Subscribe to TV Folha https://goo.gl/EBg4ag Read more on Folha https://bit.ly/3GQgi7c Instagram / folhadespaulo