The second installment of our 1000th subscriber celebration. This time, we went on a long-awaited Defender group camp at Fumotopara with two wonderful Defender-riding Instagrammers, @yossy701122 @dfnd_110. It started with a warm surprise from the two of them, and the fun time flew by as we talked and talked. Murph, who kept barking for some reason, also seemed to enjoy Fumotopara after a long time. Unfortunately, it rained on the second day, but even packing up in the rain was fun, and it became a memorable camp. Here are the Defenders of the two. @yossy701122 X-DYNAMIC HSE D300 Fuji White @dfnd_110 P300 00Edition SE Santorini Black ===== February 20, 2021 Birth of a Schipperke Murph ???? The daily life of a middle-aged couple and their beloved dog, whose Indian animal life has changed dramatically since they welcomed their beloved dog into their home. I go camping and driving in my beloved Land Rover Defender 110 ???????? I started YouTube because I wanted to connect with other Schipperke owners and people with the same hobbies. Also, since Schipperkes are a rare breed, I would be happy if I could share with everyone some of the charm and healing of Schipperkes through Murph ????☺️ #LifeWithDogs #Schipperke #Defender #Camping