Cake I made with the spotted hen covered with nest milk paste, details I made with pink royal icing, the top of the cake and the spotted hen are in another video ???????????????????????????? ___________________________________________________________ This was the cake I made: • DECORATED CAKE WITH WAFER AND BRIGADEIROS... For the 20cm pan, double the recipe ???????????????????????? Pre-covering or shielding with chocolate ganache: • HOW I PRE-COVER THE GANACHE... *For the 20cm pan, double the recipe from the ganache ???????????????????????? ROYAL GLACÊ: • HOW I MAKE MY ROYAL GLACE - POINTS OF... ___________________________________________________ Powdered milk paste: • 3 MODELED SWEETS - MICKEY, UNICORN... On the 15cm cake I used 600g of paste, downstairs 20cm I used 800g of paste. With the leftovers, make the details such as the top and the chicken as well as the white plate ???????????????? ____________________________________________________ SOCIAL NETWORKS: BLOG: http://tiagocake.blogspot.com.br/ INSTAGRAM: / tiago_mauro OR @Tiago_Mauro FANPAGE: / cakestiago _________________________________________________________________ Most viewed CAKES on the channel: PRINCESS CAKE and how to structure your tiered cake: • How to make PRINCESS CAKE, GOLDEN CROWN... WEDDING DRESS CAKE / WEDDING DRESS CAKE /Tutorial: • WEDDING DRESS CAKE / WEDDING DRESS .. . JARDIM DOS PASSARINHOS - Nakedcake tutorial for dulce de leche mousse with pineapple ????: • Nakedcake for dulce de leche mousse ... MUSTACHE CAKE: • MUSTACHE CAKE - Tutorial Playlist with more cakes to learn: • How make PRINCESS CAKE, GOLDEN CROWN... Playlist with more sweets to learn: • ORANGE PASTRY CREAM Playlist to make cupcakes: • CHOCOLATE DROP CUPCAKE WITH WAF... ????????????????????????????????