"Why do they do that? What can I do to stop getting angry at others? Why do I have to put up with their behavior?" Are you familiar with such desperate cries? Every conflict is an opportunity to free yourself from old thought patterns, says bestselling author and life coach Robert Betz. But we hold on to our perceptions - out of fear of leaving our comfort zone and losing what is dear to us. But these are the belief and behavior patterns that prevent us from truly living together. We unconsciously adopted them from our parents and grandparents and do not understand why some people push our emotional buttons so hard. And this is exactly where we need to look now, because he or she can become the door to your inner and outer freedom." But instead of consciously looking at and feeling our anger, rage and feelings of powerlessness, we remain stuck in our position in the argument and thus create new discord that affects all areas of life. It is the so-called "ass angels" in our lives that should receive our full attention, because they show us consciously and unconsciously where our unresolved issues still lie. Through their being and acting, which drives us crazy, they give us access to our deep wounds, which we can now resolve forever. ➤ Subscribe to Welt im Wandel.TV: http://bit.ly/WiW-Abonnieren ➤ Share this video with your friends: http://bit.ly/2FgX11t ++ Welt-im-Wandel - Impulse 2019 in Leipzig - Be there!! http://bit.ly/2UaNbTL ++ Video: Love & partnership - A happy relationship is no coincidence - Robert Betz: http://bit.ly/2N7cbwC ➤ Don't miss anything! http://goo.gl/SBW3BF ➤ Welt im Wandel.TV Shop: http://bit.ly/WiW-Shop ➤ See the world differently: http://welt-im-wandel.tv ➤ Facebook: http://fb.com/weltimwandeltv ➤ Instagram: http://instagr.am/weltimwandel.tv ➤ Twitter: / weltimwandeltv