Hello friends, welcome to the Dayz loot guide. DayZ is a game I have been playing for many years and I noticed that there was a lack of Turkish resources. I decided to prepare a Dayz loot guide. After watching this video, you will learn how to use the map, how to loot quickly when you spawn, inventory management and some general tactics. You will also find the answer to how to loot. Twitch; https://www.twitch.com/bora_caglar Dayz Cherno map; https://dayz.ginfo.gg/ Dayz Beginner Guide; • Dayz Turkish Guide Beginner Guide... Dayz Base Construction Guide; • Dayz Base Construction Guide Dayz Turkish... Playlist of my other Dayz videos; • DayZ Broadcast Sections Light Tutorial... Launcher for easier access to servers; https://dayzsalauncher.com/#/home Discord; / discord