M DAY 2022 - Marx: dialectics for beginners With José Paulo Netto Mediated by Ana Paula Salviatti ???? In honor of our favorite bearded man's 204th birthday, Boitempo is holding the traditional Karl Marx birthday party from May 3rd to 9th. In addition to the promotion on books from the Marx-Engels Collection and on Marxism, we will have a special hybrid program with live broadcasts, videos, and in-person activities! ???? In our online store, books from the Marx-Engels Collection and on Marxism are discounted by 20% to 35%! There are four combos to guide your studies and one to raise children with class consciousness. All orders include a booklet with Engels' text and Marx bookmarks, and whoever buys a combo also gets a Marx-Engels notebook! ☛ https://bit.ly/3ycNyow ⠀⠀ ???? Digital books by the bearded man, as well as those that deal with his life and work, are also discounted. There are e-books starting at R$1.99 in the main stores in the sector! ???? Mark your calendars: Saturday, May 7th, our in-person meeting will be at Nave Coletiva, in Cambuci (São Paulo/SP), with debates, book sales at promotional prices, autograph session, KAPITAL game, party & cake, snacks & vegan feijoada, children's space and raffles! To make sure there's cake for everyone, we ask that you register at the link: https://bit.ly/3xZIlQQ ???? The event is held in partnership with Mídia NINJA, supported by Fundação Lauro Campos e Marielle Franco and Fundação Maurício Grabois, promoted by Brasil de Fato and Quatro cinco um magazine. -- JOSÉ PAULO NETTO was born in 1947, in Minas Gerais. He is a Professor Emeritus at UFRJ and a communist. Widely considered a central figure in the reception of György Lukács in Brazil, he is the coordinator of the Lukács Library at Boitempo. ANA PAULA SALVIATTI is a historian and holds a master's degree in Economic History from FFLCH-USP. She is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Economics at Unicamp. She is a Professor of History and Economic Epistemology. -- ???? Follow Boitempo ONLINE STORE: https://www.boitempoeditorial.com.br/ BOOK CLUB: https://armasdacritica.boitempoeditor... BLOG: https://blogdaboitempo.com.br/ NEWSLETTER: https://bit.ly/newsBoitempo TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Boitempo INSTAGRAM: / boitempo TWITTER: / editoraboitempo FACEBOOK: / boitempo #Boitempo #DiaM #KarlMarx #JoséPauloNetto #dialética