A recording of a lecture from the Fridays series, which took place live with an audience on November 18, 2022, on the topic: Biodiversity Crisis and the Sixth Mass Extinction. There has been talk for a long time about the biodiversity crisis and that we are living in the time of the sixth mass extinction. However, a number of current studies show a much more colorful picture of what is really happening around us. We are entering the third phase of the Anthropocene, characterized rather than by the disappearance of nature by a dramatic transformation of ecological interactions and new ecological and evolutionary processes. The role of man on the planet is changing, and the consequences of this are often non-trivial and unexpected. Lecturer: Prof. David Storch, Ph.D., graduated in biology at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. He deals with macroecology, biodiversity, and ecological theory. He works at the Faculty of Science of Charles University and at the Center for Theoretical Studies (CTS), a joint workplace of Charles University and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, of which he was the director in 2008–2018. He is the editor of the journals Ecology Letters and Global Ecology and Biogeography. He is a member of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic. (Source of annotation: Pátečníci.net) Further information: http://www.cts.cuni.cz/~storch/ www.patecnici.net www.facebook.com/patecnici.cyklus Current information about other lectures: From 6 May 2022, the regular lectures Fridays - Sisyphos will be held again live, i.e. publicly with a discussing audience in the lecture hall of the Faculty of Science of Charles University at Viničná 7 (B3 on the ground floor on the left - the same as Biology Thursdays). In addition to recording, there should also be an online stream, information will be available at the unchanged links on the FB address: / patecnici.cyklus and YouTube channel: / pátečníci sisyfos tinyurl.com/YtPatecnici Support for the Pátečníci project: https://www.startovac.cz/patron/vasi-...