The film ZANNA: Whisper of Volcano Isle tells the story of a girl named Zanna who is separated from her family. One day, she accidentally enters a world full of magic. Together with two beautiful fairies, Dinda and Novi, Zanna dares to explore various new and challenging things, including fighting against attacks by evil enemy troops. Watch the holiday film 'Zanna: Whisper of Volcano Isle' with the whole family starting JANUARY 2, 2025 in theaters! ???? ================================================================================================================================ Watch the full story here: HAVING AN ACCIDENT! Raffi Gets Hit By Rossa: https://bit.ly/4fgaeHg Adisty bravely manages to make Dito helpless and finally gets caught by the police David & Adisty Try to Fight Dito LOVE ENDS HAPPY Eps.319 (2/3) Part 1 • Makes Reno Jealous! Daniel Gives Ayu C... Part 2 • David & Adisty Try to Fight Dito CI... Part 3 • Reno Tries to Eliminate Daniel's Existence... ========================= LOVE WITH A HAPPY ENDING tells the story of a woman named Anjani (Shirley Margaretha) who has just given birth to a baby girl. However, Anjani is forced to give her baby girl to an old woman because her husband wants them to have a son. Alyssa Plans an Evil Idea Anjani, who is afraid of being abandoned by her husband, is forced to adopt a baby boy whom she recognizes and gives her baby girl to someone else. Several years later, Anjani's baby has grown up and transformed into a beautiful woman named Adisty (Angela Gilsha). Adisty lives with a mother who she considers her biological mother named Shinta (Hesti Putri) and her daughter, Ayu (Laura Moane). ===================== Let's watch the full episodes of all RCTI programs, click http://bit.ly/RCTIplus Subscribe to our channel: Youtube RCTI Layar Drama Indonesia http://bit.ly/LayarDramaIndonesia #CintaBerakhirBahagia #LauraMoane #krisjiana #angelglisha