Subscribe to our channel: / @cortesembrulhasemroteiro We received in our studio, the actor and voice actor Danton Mello talking a little about his career in TV, theater and cinema, in addition to talking about family, the beginning of his career with his brother, the encounters they have had in the profession and what it is like to be the father of two teenagers. Come because it is very cool. Follow him @dantonmello Presentation: Maurício de Barros, Marcelo Laham and Willians Mezzacapa Direction: Willians Mezzacapa Dir. of Photography: Philip Silveira Editing and Finalization: Fábio Henrique Coproduction: Clapme Hub Art: Rafael Branco Executive Prod.: Marcelo Laham and Maurício de Barros Production Assistant: Lani Azevedo #embrulhasemroteiro #cortesembrulhasemroteiro #podcastdoburrao