Video Recorded on January 24, 2020 Thanks to my friends and Group Los Consagrados de la Cumbia Ranchera Mix Exitos In this Video We Have the Participation in the Dance of the friends of the Group Los Primos y Su Rancherita with Margarita in addition to longtime friends such as Victor Antonio Méndez - Juan Vega Karen Alejandra and Estefany Olivares Thanks to my friends Dancers and Dancers Kothe PUntarelli - Vicente Renato Bravo Karen Reyes - Juan Carlos Galaz Robert Hidalgo - Lupe Valenzuela Roxana Gonzalez - Felipe Vargas Ronald Garcia - Ninoska Soraya Mariana Concha - Bastian Paillafil Angeles Kassandra - Daniel Pa and all the beautiful and happy people who enjoy Ranchera Music and support us. Thank you Ranchera Family. Special thanks to Consecrated of the Cumbia Ranchera / consecratedofacumbiarachera RG Audio / rgaudio-373800579434217 El Chancho Mio / parrilladaselchanchomio Los Primos and their Rancherita / losprimosysurancheritaoficial