On the eve of the III. Day of Dance Houses, on May 8, 2014, the Pimasz and Odor bands caused a flash mob in Deák Square... Hungarian and Romanian dances from Kalotaszeg and Bonchida. The video was produced by László Kovács, Konkam Studio Budapest, www.konkam.hu Hungarian folkdance flashmob to promote The Day of Folkdance-Houses (Tanchaz) at Budapest, Hungary. Music by: 'Pimasz' and 'Odor' bands. Music and dances from Kalotaszeg (Hungarian) and the last one from Bonchida (Romanian), from Transylania/Romania. The dancers are amateurs, not professionals, the visitors of different Tanchaz-es. The video is produced by Laszlo Kovacs, Konkam Studio Budapest, www.konkam.hu