#josephprinceenglish #christianaudiobooks #grace #jesus #bible #restoration #christ #love #faith PART 3 Day 1 & 2 This is a book, not a guide to faith. Real, raw, authentic faith. Not the polished, nice-to-have kind of faith that’s only good on good days and fades away the moment life turns up the heat. We’re talking about faith for when and where it really matters: in the face of adversity, disappointment, anxiety about the future, and the seemingly impossible odds we face and that the world and our culture remind us of 24/7. Faith that doesn’t shy away from problems but instead with boldness, courage, and plenty of grace, faces and stands up to every mountain, whatever it may be. Above all, this book is about faith in a good God and His ability to sustain us even when our faith falters. For 4 weeks, lean into the life of Caleb and other inspiring men and women of the Bible and discover powerful truths about God's ways of faith that will help you gain a foothold in life and begin to thrive. Participate in thought-provoking questions and engaging activities that will help you take ownership of these keys and apply them in your own life, and begin to move from barely surviving to truly thriving! Translated and Narrated by Fernando Di Sac