Every weekday he is at the microphone of Ranní Dvojka. And he says that getting up early is not a problem for him. "I would get up like that on the weekend, but my wife forbids me to do so," laughs the presenter. What is behind the popularity of Ranní špek and what is the history of its creation? From which parts of the country was Ranní Dvojka broadcast? What is he planning for New Year's Eve? What would he invite to the theater? And were there times when he didn't like his sister? Hosted by Adéla Gondíková Listen to Blizka setkani as a podcast in the mujRozhlas mobile application https://www.mujrozhlas.cz/blizka-setkani --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dvojka website: https://dvojka.rozhlas.cz/ Facebook: / crodvojka