【English】 This is Daji's most popular skin on the Chinese servers, so if you like Daji or you often choose Daji in tournaments, then I would highly recommend buying this skin. (Since this skin is relatively expensive, if your quality of life is affected by buying this skin, then I don't recommend you to buy it because Daji will have a relatively cheap and very beautiful new skin after this as well.) 【Portuguese】 On the Chinese servers, this is Daji's most popular skin, so if you like Daji or you often choose Daji in matches, then I would highly recommend buying this skin. (Since this skin is relatively expensive, if your quality of life is affected by buying this skin, then I don't recommend you to buy it because Daji will have a relatively cheap and very beautiful new skin after this as well.) 【Bahasa Indonesia】 Di server Cina, ini adalah skin Daji yang paling populer, jadi jika Anda menyukai Daji atau Anda sering memilih Daji dalam pertandingan, maka saya sangat menyarankan Anda untuk membeli skin ini. (Karena skin ini relatif mahal, jika kualitas hidup Anda terpengaruh dengan membeli skin ini, maka saya tidak menyarankan Anda untuk membelinya karena Daji akan memiliki skin baru yang relatif murah dan sangat indah setelah ini juga). ❤️———————————————❤️ (Links to social media accounts) Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Instagram: / hsihehdhdhjj igsh=Y3Z0Z24zeWs0aWk2&utm_source=qr ❤️———————————————❤️ (Channel Description): Hi, I'm Jun! Thank you very much for watching this video and for your interest in the channel! (1).If you have any thoughts on the video and the channel in terms of opinions and suggestions, please leave a comment directly in the channel! (2).If you like the video content of the channel, please click subscribe to show your attention and support for the channel, the channel will have new content every day. (3).Everything on the channel comes from hok's China server. (4).All translations of the channel are done using translation software, please understand if there is any mistake in the translation, it may not always be the meaning I want to express! (5).The content of the channel includes other series of HOK games, but the main content is still HOK-oriented. (6) #honorofkings #moba