Let's chant daimoku 3,000 times a day. When we chant daimoku 3,000 times a day, the rotation of life begins. Our lives become pure. When we chant daimoku 3,000 times a day, we enter into the rhythm of the Soka Gakkai. If we chant daimoku 3,000 times a day, our life force will be richer, and that will itself become the power of practice. In any case, the next six months will be crucial. The next two to three months will be crucial. Let's chant daimoku and defeat the demons. The easiest part of Buddhist training is chanting daimoku. Also, the most difficult part of Buddhist training is chanting daimoku. However, the source of all victory and good fortune is chanting daimoku. Is your attitude directed not for yourself, but for the Dharma and for the members? If you get that one point wrong, you may start well, but you will definitely get stuck in the end. The reason Nichiren Daishonin endured all those great hardships was because he had one thing in mind: for the sake of all living beings. Therein lies the eternity of the Daishonin, and Toda Sensei also had one point: that he was doing it for all members. (From Ikeda Sensei's guidance) #daimoku #Odaimoku #NMRK #SokaGakkai #NamuMyohoRengeKyo #IkedaDaisaku