????????Discover the new online course of SAVOURY PASTRY and PASTRY CHEF'S BAKERY, start here ???????? https://wwwandreadigiglioit.teachable... ????????????Discover our online PASTRY courses, start here ???????? https://wwwandreadigiglioit.teachable... ????Do you want to receive the first 5 PASTRY lessons for FREE? Sign up here ???????? https://mailchi.mp/andreadigiglio.it/... ????️Hear the TESTIMONIALS of our STUDENTS: Start here ???????? https://www.andreadigiglio.it/testimo... ????Cell. Assistance: 331/4216848 ✅WhatsApp info: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=3... ______________________________________________________________________________________ ????????Daily Bread Recipe with Mother Yeast click here????https://www.andreadigiglio.it/2023/09... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ????????WHO WE ARE: Di Giglio Academy We are the online training Academy created by Chef Andrea Di Giglio, with a very specific purpose: ➡️teach in a simple and detailed way WHAT to do in Pastry, HOW to get results, and WHY to do it in a certain way. The Chef's video courses explain everything step by step, in a simple, effective way, so that you can perfect your results. ????????WHAT WE DO: Online Pastry Video Courses available 24 hours a day ➡️We have several online courses to watch on your mobile, tablet or PC whenever you want, which will help you achieve your goals. ????????WHY WE ARE UNIQUE: Because only we give DIRECT ASSISTANCE from the Chef ???????? When you buy an online course, the trainer greets you, thanks you for the money spent and disappears, because he doesn't care about the growth of his customers. ➡️Since Chef Andrea hates this way of doing things, he decided to give his Direct Assistance: you ask a question, and he always answers you. ________________________________________________________________________ But who is Andrea Di Giglio❓ And why can he help you❓ ????In the kitchen since the age of 17, he learned the ropes under the guidance of Chef Sergio Mei, at the Four Seasons Hotel 5⭐L in Milan. ????In love with Pastry, he has traveled the world to learn from the great masters, getting to know the Illustrious Master Pierre Herme in Paris. ????Trainer on stages of conferences and fairs in the food and beverage sector, he stands out for his skills as a speaker, thanks to the simplicity with which he transmits all his vast knowledge of the subject. ????Creator and author of the Di Giglio Academy, where every day thanks to his simple method he donates his knowledge to hundreds of pastry chefs, entrepreneurs and Pastry enthusiasts, transmits all his knowledge and achieves tangible and spectacular results. ????Author of Pastry books already translated into English and German, and consultant for companies in the restaurant sector, he works every day to guarantee excellent quality standards. ✅Di Giglio Academy Pastry courses: https://wwwandreadigiglioit.teachable... ✅Subscribe to the page Facebook page: / andreadigigliochefpage ✅Subscribe to my instagram channel: / andreadigigliochef #bread #motherydough #howtomakebread