CART - https://t.me/kirillenvy TWITCH - / kirillenvy Hi, I'm Envy, in this video there will be DAD GAVE HIS SON A VAZ 2110 and got into an accident... RP REBUILDING IN BIMKA BeamNG.drive Drift in beam on the steering wheel logitech driving force gt for which I made a mod according to this video - • Modification of Logitech DFGT, Modificati... without the mod the steering wheel is complete crap, but with the mod it is very fast and quiet Review of the steering wheel, settings, and much more in this video - • SETTING UP THE STEERING WHEEL AND GAMEPAD FOR DRIFT ... In this video I showed and told how and what each setting in the beam is responsible for, and also at the end I showed presets of settings for weak, medium and powerful PCs - • REALISTIC GRAPHICS SETTINGS + HOW ... Advertising / cooperation - [email protected]