WATCH THE FULL INTERVIEW (1h:27min) ► https://www.talktv.cz/video/zF9zIugI?... Ondra Baláž is a programmer who has been living in Japan for almost five years. How to get a job in Japan? Can a foreigner "survive" in Japan for a long time? Do the Japanese really have a word for everything and how many flavors of sweets do they know? How do the world of traditions and hierarchies and the world of crazy Japanese pop culture come together? And can a Czech ever really learn Japanese? Vladimír Váchal's guest is programmer Ondřej Baláž, who has been living in Japan for almost five years. ABROAD Unique interviews with Czechs who live abroad. From Asia to Antarctica. Traveler Vladimír Váchal reveals cultural and political divides. TALK TV TALK TV is an independent internet television that makes no compromises - no advertisements, no collaborations, no paid reviews. The programs are prepared by journalists and experts who know what they are talking about. We bring content to the Czech Republic that does not underestimate the viewer. ► https://www.talktv.cz ► / talktv_cz