He has been fighting in Ukraine almost since the beginning of the Russian invasion and works in the reconnaissance unit of the International Legion. He gained military experience already in the Czech Republic, but he gained experience of a sharp conflict only on Ukrainian territory. He was severely wounded by shrapnel from an artillery shell in the head area, and is currently back in combat. In Matyáš Zrna's OFF RECORD podcast, a man with the nickname Arisu openly talks about the fact that fighting the Russians is not easy. Subscribe to the news of our news portal CNNPrima.cz and stay up to date. Every day, over 200 reporters and editors bring you the most important and interesting news from home and abroad. ✉️ https://cnn.iprima.cz/newsletter 📲 Follow CNN Prima NEWS on social networks: Facebook: / cnnprima Instagram: / cnnprima Twitter: / cnnprima 💻 Visit the CNN Prima NEWS website at https://cnnprima.cz #cnnprimanews # cnn prime #OFFRECORD