Synopsis: This serial is based on some of the events of Jalaluddin Muhammad Balkhi's fifty-five years. Jalaluddin Muhammad Balkhi, also known as Maulana or Maulvi, was a famous Iranian mystic and poet. Maulvi was born in 604 AH in the Balkh region of present-day Afghanistan. Maulana's father, Muhammad bin Hussain Khatibi, also known as Sultan-ul-Ulama, was also a pious and ascetic person of his time, who is considered one of the elders of the Sufis and raised his voice against the government and Maulana witnessed the events that took place during that time with his own eyes... ------------------------------------------------------------------ Serial Jalaluddin - Episode No. 1 Subscribe to our channel for more movies: https://www.youtube.com/@SalamMedia-U... ------------------------------------------------------------------ Actors: Ali Nasirian, Shabnam Moghdami, Arsh Majidi, Mohammad Javad Jafarpour, Ali Dehkurdi, Laden Musofi, Alireza Khamsa and Niki Nasirian Director: Shahram Asadi and, Arsh Mirian Broadcast year: 2015 Genre: Drama, Historical ------------------------------------------------------------------ To watch the Jalaluddin series, click on the following link: • Jalal-Al-Din Urdu Serial Jalaluddin ------------------------------------------------------------------ #Serial #Serial_Jalal_Al-Din #Jalal_Al-Din #Drama_Serial #Historical