Cypress, one of the most popular tools in the world and incredible for testing web applications. Cypress For Beginners e2e Tests In Frontend Apps Erick Wendel In this video I will show you how to test a web application from the users' point of view, inserting values, clicking buttons, triggering keys and more. As a bonus, I will show you how to set up a continuous integration environment in GitHub Actions so that any change in the repository causes the test battery to validate whether the project continues to work. And to close, I prepared challenges for you to practice and apply everywhere in your work. So, let's see? ✅ TAJS METHOD ???? TAJS Opportunity: https://bit.ly/tajs-oportunidade0411 ✅ CLASS SOURCE CODE Application to be tested: https://github.com/ErickWendel/vanill... Full source code: https://bit.ly/cypress-for-begginers-... ✅ CHAPTERS 00:00 - What you will see in this video 00:43 - Why you should start creating automated tests today 01:09 - What you will see in this class 01:25 - Content tips on automated testing 01:55- Start of the demo 02:10 - Node.js version used in the project 02:20 - Get to know the base project repository 03:24 - Initializing a node.js project 04:11 - The test scenario specification file 04:48 - The challenge of this class 05:23 - Cypress version used and basic configuration 06:47 - Downloading the NTL to see the scripts in package.json 07:18 - Configuring e2e tests in cypress 09:05 - Adding configurations in cypress.config 10:41 - Testing the other script 12:00 - Defining the website url in the configuration 12:39 - Checking the specification and creating the test suites 15:26 - Interacting with the image form 17:48 - Creating the first test, to check title and URL 19:19 - Testing the changes 19:52 - Replicating the first test to the second test 20:25 - Using the Cypress execution timeline 20:56 - Creating the test for the submit click 21:45 - Validating if the fields are correct 22:28 - Functions of the Cypress to validate objects 23:04 - Testing changes and fixing tests 23:47 - How to inspect values with debugger 24:51 - Replicating the test to validate the URL 25:26 - Validating the color of the input title (red for error and true for success) 27:54 - Fetching the color of the input title border 29:46 - Validating the border color field with assert 31:09 - Cleaning up localStorage, so one test doesn't dirty the other 32:00 - Adding a Github Action to run the project's tests with each git push 36:18 - Some details of the complete project 37:10 - Final considerations about this class 37:59 - Recording errors 38:24 - Subscribe to the channel and share this video!