Sign up for the Creative Sewing Academy course to start earning between R$350.00 and R$1,200.00 per month. Just click on the link below: https://hotm.art/academiadecosturacri... In the step-by-step Creative Sewing and Patchwork tutorial in this video, I will teach you how to make a beautiful little basket that you can use to organize your desk and also your life, as it can be used anywhere in the house. To access the measurements, watch the entire video. MEASUREMENTS IN THE VIDEO. If you skip the video, you will miss important parts of the instruction and also the measurements. To price safely, use the Apreço App! The App that will help you price the product free version on the website: http://aprecoapp.com/ I hope you enjoy all the content of this class that I made especially for you. To see the other beautiful pieces we have and subscribe to our list, visit our website: https://www.fabiellebacelar.com Our Instagram: / fabiellebacelarempreender / fabiellebacelarcosturar / aprecoapp Subscribe to my Entrepreneurship Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/FabielleBac... Subscribe to my Creative Sewing Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/fabielle... To join our Creative Sewing Channel on Telegram and receive tips, click here: https://t.me/costurar To receive Entrepreneurship tips that will help you start making a profit from what you produce, click here: https://t.me/fabiellebacelar_empreender Kisses and until next time, Fabielle Bacelar #faeufiz #tosewandsell #fazerevender #mimosdeluxo #precifiquecomApreco