Part 19 of Lobotomy Corporation live playthrough. Our cute girls are always right, and there are no employees here who abuse animals. #18⇦ • A bright workplace where voices are heard [Lobotomy Corporation] #18 #20➡ • A workplace where we do our best for the welfare of our employees and listen to their opinions [Lobotomy Corp... Lobotomy Corporation Playlist ➡ • [Lobotomy Corporation] Live playthrough Twisted Detective Playlist ➡ • [Twisted Detective] Library of Ruina Gaiden Library of Ruina Playlist ➡ • [Library of Ruina] Live playthrough mk3's Game Channel ➡️ / @mk3_game Steam download page ➡https://store.steampowered.com/app/56... ©ProjectMoon #Lobotomy_Corporation #mk3's Game Channel