concert Cut On The Dog took place in Moscow in the old school club 16 Tons this time they filmed a lot of material on different cameras the main camera close-up and medium shot - Dima Polyushkin camera with a general plan - Sasha Artamonov and to the left of the stage my devices there will be many more all sorts of edits from this concert in the form of separate files for each track here or in Telegram file I would like to express my gratitude from myself personally to Zhenya Yolkina (@zukaroc) for making all this happen and for us all to have this video Alexander Sitnikov Olga Chernavskikh Cut On The Dog Arbitrariness Diving Exit With A Break-In Grief Guide Fegiverbe Education and Tact Mikhailovy Eyes With Your Prayers 12 You Cut Yourself Peeped Return Winter To Freedom Vale of Sorrow Window into the Subtle World Overslept Tomorrow Crime Runs Wild April My Secret Beetle Willow Still Doesn't Fly Sirin with a Dog's Head Traveling Circus Heavy Poison Jitters Lost Carts Creak Half Capable Student Necessary Link Exit of the Angel of the Trouble Outside the Unwashed Window Near the Fire Inside Worms Philosophers 4 Positions of Bruno I Eat the Bird toxicdub grotesquedub toxicdub grotesquedub #cutonthedog #16tons #4positionsbruno #moscow #concert